Internship, even if it’s unpaid, is a great experience. So people around you would suggest. “Get an internship – the more, the better.” Yes, they are right but what they don’t tell you is really how to turn all of that hard work into a full-time job. Initially, your actual skills during your internship will spell your actions to “Hire me!” – loud and clear. So you better be good at this shot.
Go from “intern” to “employee” with these powerful tips.
Be aware of business or industry.
It’s a nice gesture to see if you know how the business or industry works and makes the company you’re in tick. Showing that you have an understanding of what the organization wants to achieve through its products and services, and how it competes in its marketplace gets you an edge among other interns.
Always note that communication is a two-way street. You may always express yourself well to the employees but listening is key. Always be clear, concise and focused for you to be able to get and tailor the message to your audience.
Be a good teammate.
Building positive working relationships that could actually help the company’s business objectives and goals is a must in every organization. Take on the responsibility well and be able to manage and delegate to others.
You might have a connotation that an intern should just always follow. You need to know that being able to set out what you want to achieve and how, but also being able to understand where the other person is coming from so that you can both get what you want or need and feel positive about it.
Be a problem-solver.
You need to display an ability to take a logical and analytical approach to solving problems and resolving issues. It’s also good to show that you can approach problems from different angles.
Show leadership skills.
Graduates need to show potential to motivate teams and other colleagues that may work for them. It’s about assigning and delegating tasks well, setting deadlines and best of all, leading by good example. What a way to be a good leader is also be a good follower as they say.
Be able to work under pressure.
It’s such a cliche but it’s all about keeping calm in a business crisis or a personal crisis in a business setting. Practice on not being too overwhelmed in stressful situations and you’ll get there naturally.
Be confident in a good way.
Shine in a natural light. Strike a balance of being confident on yourself – your skills and positive contributions to business – but manage to not be arrogant. You don’t want to get a bad first impression from everyone, right?
Be resilient.
Graduate employers look for resilience in their recruits because it enables employees to cope with change, problems and stress.
Make sure you get that job when you step in for internship! Let us know in the comments if the article helped you!